The Real Bobby, folks.
[03:22] rebelredneck524: hi
[03:22] rebelredneck524: got a ? about ur wishlist on mfc
[03:23] CamGirlKitten: kk
[03:24] rebelredneck524: if i bought u the camcorder and 4 other expensive things
[03:24] rebelredneck524: what would i get?
[03:24] rebelredneck524: id do the ipad and camcorder and camera and 2 other things
[03:25] CamGirlKitten: Typically for electronics that are used actively for filming, you get a lifetime membership to camgirlkitten.com so you have access to every video i've ever done, plus all the ones I do in the future.
[03:26] rebelredneck524: if i buy 4 things now will u do a hour show?
[03:26] CamGirlKitten: Sure, if you gift card the full balance of whatever you're going to buy. I've been doing this a dozen years and know all the tricks already. lol
[03:26] rebelredneck524: o i can't buy it?
[03:27] rebelredneck524: cause u should know anything over 100 bucks takes 4-6 hours to process
[03:27] CamGirlKitten: you can of course, but only if you want to wait for your show until they arrive.
[03:27] rebelredneck524: ill buy the gift card for 2,000 but if i do that id want the show after i buy it id even send u the recipt i get after
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: all orders are extremely easy to cancel, so there's literally a 0% chance of that. Sorry buddy.
[03:28] rebelredneck524: i do this cause i have hiv
[03:28] rebelredneck524: sorry just being honest
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: Anyone can put in fake credit card information and place a high ticket order then send a receipt.
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: I can do that now if you'd like and put the name as Santa Claus.
[03:28] rebelredneck524: im not like that
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: Doesn't matter. Don't know you.
[03:29] rebelredneck524: i can give u another models name on mfc u can ask her she got a 2,000 one last night
[03:29] CamGirlKitten: Anyway, if you decide you'd like to, you'll have to wait either way. No referrals, no word of mouth, no stupid promises. Just give it up buddy, you're barkin' upu the wrong tree. Go try it on a newb.
[03:30] CamGirlKitten: no cleared funds, no show, no exception. Don't feel bad, I don't even do IOU's or deals for customers i've had 10 years.
A few notes about Bobby after doing some research:
Real name: Robert
Location: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425(Well that explains the stupidity, ehh?)
Age: 27
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Height: 5ft8
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Body: Fat
Using a fake photo on a different website though, called cpixel.
AIM: RedneckRebel524
Yahoo: RebelRedneck524, redneckcowboy524 (not very creative, is he?)
MSN: rebelredneck524@hotmail.com
Skype: redneckcowboy524
Twitter: Bobby5241985