I've recently added new Slave Ownership options: $13/week to be ignored but have purpose, or $35/week to have value. $35/week tier slaves receive regular text chat time through the service of their choice, tease/denial, cuckold, strapon and personalized fetish pics, regular homework, personal guidance consultation time, and a discount on private webcam sessions. $13/week tier may be started at any time, however $35/week tier requires 3 weeks upfront to draw up your legal ownership documents. If you'd like to add chastity keyholding onto either option, it's an additional $15/week. Chastity keyholding includes a customized Dick Rental menu so that you may purchase access to your genitals. $13/week tier is renewable each week with no commitment, and $35/week tier requires 2 weeks notice cancellation or 4 week cancellation fee if under 2 weeks. You're welcome to join then cancel as many times as you wish as long as sufficient notice and/or fees are paid.
To begin your service to your Princess, use AllMyLinks.com/PersephoneVixen to pay then contact.
Financial Dominatrix Persephone Vixen
A combination of publicly available information and ludicrous emails from various scammers attempting to defraud or offend Persephone Entertainment in regards to its financial domination contracts.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
New Ownership Options
Monday, September 28, 2020
Jason Wiltshire of Ontario the Chargeback Scammer
Wow, chargebacking Me for 4mo of accessing 20,000 HD photos 3days after My BDay-
Jason Wiltshire of Barrie, Ontario - you're now on My shit list! IP address zip code L4m1y5 email JasonWiltshire1977@yahoo.com - rebilled 33x then stole 4mo back!
Just to be clear on his info for other Southern Charms models, adult stars or dommes that interact with him in the future -
Name of Scammer: Jason Wiltshire
Location: L4M1Y5 area of Barrie, Ontario, Canada
IP Address steadily for 3+ years:
Email: JasonWiltshire1977@yahoo.com
Probable Year of Birth: 1977
Probable Age: 43
Jason signed up for QueenOfCascadia.com / Southern-Charms3.com/CamGirlKitten on 11/25/2017 just after midnight because he was horny for My fat figure and no one was around to catch him wacking off. He auto-rebilled for 33 months after his initial transaction, enjoying a steady stream of 20,000 HD photos with at least 150 new photos each month then suddenly chargebacked his last four transactions on 9/28/2020 at about 2pm.
It's not about the $35.80, it's about the fucking audacity of telling your credit card and a porn website that those transactions are false when your IP address is exactly the same it's always been and the other 29 transactions are totally valid and have a matching IP.
Guess what's going to show up every time you get googled after a job interview, Jason!
(This information has been posted for the purposes of debt collection.)
Friday, December 6, 2019
24hr Limited Time Blackmail Services
Friday, November 1, 2019
Infamous Blackmail Dominatrix Persephone Vixen is still at it.
If you need to fap to what it once was, it can be found at https://web.archive.org/web/20190501000000*/moneydomination.com
Don't forget to pay your Cum Tax here: https://www.getindiebill.com/store/checkout/88ca6136-8f07-49fc-873d-c1ee45aedfd2
To continue to follow Me as a Dominatrix, Follow Me on My Domme Twitter @PersephoneVixen
I still own only the best, lowest maintenance piggies, but you're welcome to try to apply on Niteflirt by the same name.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
This came from tantricx@protonmail.comPorn is a ritual. In ancient times, porn was used by both male and femaleoccult shrine and temple prostitutes to worship incorporeal entities(demons).They prostituted their bodies as a form of religious sacrament and worship.In doing so they were initiating many host bodies for the incorporeal entitiesto use (demons).Those incorporeal entities have been here on earth since days of old, whentheir forefathers, who were angels lusted after the daughters of men andcame down to earth and took for themselves wives who bare a hybrid raceof beings, who upon death, became the demonic entities. The women alsoof these fallen angels became demonic sirens.These fallen angels taught all witchcraft and occult knowledge. They taughtthem MAGIC, SORCERY, INCANTATIONS, CHARMS AND SPELLS. *Charmis the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration. *Spell aninvocation or hex, a set of words, spoken or unspoken, which are consideredby its user to invoke some MAGICAL effect. Spells can be used in callingupon or summoning a demonic spirit and may employ mind alteringsubstances AND PORN.Porn is thus a means of summoning the demons.Today porn has an astronomical impact on the human race. There are 12.5videos of porn for every person on the planet. Porn is now arguably biggerthan all the world religions combined.In 2017, pornhub site alone received 28.5 billion annual visits from pornpilgrims. A total, 595,482 hours of video were uploaded to pornhub, theequivalent of 68 YEARS of porn if watched continuously and enough data tofill the storage of all of the world’s iPhones!When watching and indulging porn, one essentially enters into an altered andhighly suggestible state of consciousness.FRIEND....The porn triggered trance makes people wide open to demonic entities thatfeed off of sexual perversion causing many people to be insatiable, addicted,aggressive, depressive and indulging in all manner of wickedness.Just like many mind altering drugs, porn causes massive addiction. Unlikedrugs which many have to pay for, porn is freely available, because it is aportent weapon the illuminati use to further their evil agenda.When porn went digital, the industry was consolidated and taken over bypowerful shadow interests. Those interests are represented by a handful ofgiant corporations.These corporations make their money through big data. They sell data tomany corporations who take advantage of the entranced and highlysuggestible porn users to advertise many things to them in billions of adimpressions a day. In this way, porn users are prostituted to make money formany illuminati corporations.The real masters and controllers of the illuminati are demonic entities whichthrive off of sexual sin and other related transgressions.Porn is thus an evil illuminati Babylonian sex magic psyop, deployed toinfluence billions of people to accept and obey the illuminati agenda. It is aweapon of mass destruction, facilitating the evil agenda against mankindand creating many mind controlled slaves.When one visits a porn site, their bodies, computer or mobile deviceessentially gets inhabited, tagged and tracked by demons and also by theilluminati technology.All porn is potent witchcraft, corrupting all who engage in it and all who consume it. It is a demonic spell, making the whole earth drunk with sexual sin and many souls will burn in the lake of eternal fire because of it. The worm that eats them will not die! That is what is going to happen if people do not repent.The alluring and seductive influence of porn is fueling a highly demonized earth, just like it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. The stench of porn and sexual sin has surely reached the high heavens!Even young children are being exposed to the filth! Those who consume it are thirsty for more. Porn is gratifying to the flesh and initiates billions of people to follow the desires of the flesh and the thoughts of the flesh, all which are under the power of satan.“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.” Ephesians 2:1-3The spirit at work is thus the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the fallen angel satan and his wicked host! His main demonic ally in dispensing sexual filth is the spirit of mystery Babylon, the mother of all harlots. She is in bed with satan and his demons and they are defiling billions of people.“Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!” is the mantra of porn. The water called porn may seem sweet to the flesh but it certainly leads to death.“But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are deep in the realm of the dead.” Proverbs 9: 18Indeed the spirits of the demons are there with sexual sin and porn. Those who partake at the porn altar are partaking with demons.The prostitute spirit of pride and wanton is behind porn and she is a spirit of sorcery (witchcraft) that has enslaved nations to sexual sin.“all because of the wanton lust of a prostitute, alluring, the mistress of sorceries, who enslaved nations by her prostitution and peoples by her witchcraft.” Nahum 3:4All the nations have drunk the filth of porn and sexual sin.“…For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries…” Revelation 18:3There is only one way out of mystery Babylon, the mother of porn and sexual sin.I say to the true people of God, now you must come out of her! Come out of pornography! Come out of mystery babylon, the harlot!Then I heard another voice from heaven say:“‘Come out of her, my people,so that you will not share in her sins,so that you will not receive any of her plagues;for her sins are piled up to heaven,and God has remembered her crimes.” Revelation 18:4-5Those who want to come out of pornography and never return to the filth, let us repent and return to JESUS right away,Say,Dear Jesus, Mighty Father, Precious Holy Spirit. I am sinner. I have sinned against you and against my own body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I have defiled your temple with sexual sin, pornography and wickedness. I have become the body of the harlot. Please forgive me. Disconnect me from the mystery babylon spirit and all unclean spirits. Disconnect me from filthy jezebel. Disconnect me from all ties to demonic spirits. Disconnect me from spiritual ties to satan. Make me clean LORD JESUS, make me once again into the temple of the HOLY SPIRIT. Help me not to be defiled again. Help me JESUS not to return to sexual sin and porn. I repent of idolatry, lies, and all wicked acts. Please forgive me. Today I am born again and I am receiving you JESUS, I am receiving you FATHER, I am receiving you HOLY SPIRIT. Amen.WARNING!“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:18-20If you REJECT THIS INSTRUCTION, THEN YOU HAVE REJECTED GOD, for it is written,“For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore,anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8May the LORD JESUS write and keep the names of all who have repented here. Amen.Shalom."
Somebody put this guy in a padded cell away from computers... and bibles for that matter.
Friday, January 26, 2018
#domination #littlebitspecial #cantgetwhathewants #southerncharms #youronlyfatwhenimmad #reachingtilhisarmfallsoff #rude #piggies
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
20min videos for $75, and 10min videos for $45
to be done in one of my two ATL rental places, including myself and one at a time multiple male partners. Can cover bjs, creampies, fucking, anal fucking,
Domme/sub (strapon fucking, foot worship, facesitting, ejaculating toy worship & fucking
gay training, small penis humiliation, ass licking, light CBT, cuckolding dirty talk, limited bathroom),
footjobs, bondage/gags on Me (VERY rare), private indoor hot tub & pool requests, wedgies,
bathroom, ejaculating toy bukkake, smoking, and VERY limited 2 Domme latex content with My ginger T/s gf.
Contact Me immediately to book. Very limited customs being taken at this time.
Filming will be February 9th to 22nd, depending on location requirements and co-star.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Vacation Sponsorship Suggestions
AirB&B- Great housing option with a personal design touch that hotels just don't have. Fantastic for luxury hot water options such as jacuzzi tubs and heated pools.
GiftRocket - Best for expenses that don't take gift cards. Frequently spent on luxury spa trips, fancy dinners, trips to Vegas, and My favorite Portland boutique hotel.
Southwest Airlines- My preferred airline due to their baggage policies. I've always got a ton of heavy bags because of fetish gear, equipment and lighting.
Princess Cruises - The most likely trip I'd take you on, you pathetic fool. You, me, anonymous international waters. Are you brave enough? This is also the best choice if you're into cuckolding- it's easier for Me to trap you in close spaces with My sexy studs.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
"BigBadMike" clearly makes poor personal choices.
He sent Me this today after having never spoken to Me before. At no point does it even actually really address Me or require My input in any fashion, he just felt like assaulting random strangers with his oversexualized stories of his ongoing terrible life choices, racial insecurity, and incestuous relationships, and thought because it was a fetish website, I'd somehow want to hear about it.
BEING KINKY DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY OBLIGATE ME TO ATTEND TO YOUR SEXUALITY. You are still a fucking stranger. If you are not PAYING ME to attend to your sexuality, I WANT NO PART IN IT!
"Hi, I'm Michael; I'm an experienced dominant white male. My deviance all started when my adopted black sister was a teenager - she and I just loved to masturbate together. She just adores watching her big brother stroking his 10" cock while she used her best toy on her twat. Since then, she learned that she get the ultimate orgasms when she's being treated like a slutty nigger slave. The last time we did it, we were looking at your nice pics, especially the ones where you show shamelessly that beautiful cum filled face of yours; hope you don't mind. I must tell you that I shot this fantasticly huge load of cum in my sister's face as she was coming hard. She was really happy to receive all that cum and it was partly because of you. Thanks."
It's worth noting that the photos he's probably referring to, which show 'cum' aren't even cum, they're cum lube from an ejaculating toy, he's just too obliviously wrapped up in his self-centered vainglorious obsessiveness to notice that the toy is extremely unrealistic.
'BigBadMike' is a 59 year old male 'dom' from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and his sister Soumise-K' is 38 and lives in Perce, Quebec, Canada.
Trust Me, this is the least disgusting identifying photo I could find to show you guys. Yuck on every level.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Joshua Beilin loves to eat cum & harass dommes broke
He came to Me asking stupid questions about My exroommate and fellow infamous dominatrix LolaBohemia, and now owes Me money too, because I found out he's just been messaging Me every time he's broke, and when he does have money, giving it to other dommes, then going back to Me and telling Me how broke he is and still whining until he sets up blackmail then bailing. He mislead Me to believe that he had money 2/12/15,
even going so far as to send Me his webcam with a bag over his head and his fat rolls are now burned into my retinas.
After two hours of jumping through technical hoops to appease him, his big tribute to Me for our session?
$10. Seriously. Ten US DOLLARS. This fuck isn't new to the game, he just thinks there's no real world consiquenses to his actions.
He's such a selfish little shit.
CURRENT BALANCE DUE ON ACCOUNT: $550 (Services Rendered plus Removal)
CURRENT BALANCE DUE AS OF 3/13/15: $1,050 (Services Rendered plus Post-30-Day Removal)
Want to see all his filthy details?
www.MoneyDomination.com has his listing at the top now!
Monday, November 10, 2014
I do hope this isn't a phone number his wife knows, because simply googling it resulted in finding two online personals site instances of begging for 'discreet' local pussy AND his recent facebook community creation to attempt to solicit money for dental work resulting from his 11 year old victimization. Hell, given that he's shared his yahoo email, his home address, his real name, a photo of himself, and his birthday on this facebook community page he made, she could google any of this and find this out. I just felt the need to assemble the pieces in a summary here in case she does.
Why do I care? Whether a man cheats on someone else, while morally bothersome, isn't my concern, but interfering with the professional workplace of camgirls is, and I can guarantee i'm not the only one he attempted this with. It appeared to be a general cut-and-paste he sent everyone he could find in Oregon. He attempted to solicit pussy out of me on ImLive, a site with very strict standards including absolutely no sharing of personal information of any kind, especially contact information. Sharing this information could put my account and earnings at risk, aside from simply being a pathetic attempt to deal with expensive therapy costs in a free and lazy manner.
Want a girlfriend on the side buddy? Go earn one yourself, don't just try to hunt down professional models. ...and good luck with the impending divorce when your wife finds out about the thousands of people you've spammed details of your terrible sex life to.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Ugh. What a weenie.
Real Name: **********
Age: 31
Email Location: Germany
Claimed Location: San Diego, California
Actual Location: Hungary
Job: **********************************************************************
Face Photo Claimed As Self:
Potential Old Real Face Photo Discovered: ******************************
Confirmed Real Face Photo: **************************************************
Shrimp Dick Photo:
Email: Desire82@hotmail.com
Skype Name: Desire82de
Facebook: **************************************************
LinkedIn: *******************************
_____________________________ Update: Someone's decided to be a good little piggy again, but only partially. He managed to piss Me off enough by the end of the second dealing that I decided to post at least his contact information back here for the sake of googleability, so other Dommes having issues with him can discover his habits. I'm tired of being threatened by this chump every time he doesn't get his way. All he wants are free orgasms. Additionally, if he does bother to pay you anything at all, he absolutely demands an orgasm out of it, as if it's somehow your responsibility.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Seth_7984 harasses me every so often (about every 6 months) and rambles all the shit he wants to hear you help him plan while he procrastinates on not paying you. He's familiar enough with this game to interject plans, decent numbers, specific timed bookings, & fetish questions in between steps of payment. Some days he'll skip all this and just go straight towards the delusional ramblings of an overly insecure horny little boy crying for attention by suggesting completely ludicrously illegal and morally boundary-pushing suggestions just to try to make his weeny wiggle. At no point will he ever have any concern over the value of your time. This is another one of those pathetic meatwads that clearly feel that online Dominatrixes are nothing but personal free amusement, and an easy source of micro-dick throb encouragement.
If you've found this post, it's because you were actually intelligent to see enough of his bullshit game to google him, and trust my 12 years of experience enough to know this guy's game by now.
You're welcome to leave further materials in the comments, but here's a few key lines from some conversations, as they've been vast...
"[17:06] seth_7984: i know a girl who just turned 18 and wants to be a cam girl
[17:07] seth_7984: what do u think of blackmailing?
[17:07] CamGirlKitten: What do those two things have to do with each other?
[17:08] seth_7984: she asked my help cause i know alot about internet porn and sex services and i thought about getting her in some compromising sex videos that are illegal and then blackmailing her with the vids"
"[16:44] seth_7984: Still into dominating?
[16:45] seth_7984: :p
[16:46] CamGirlKitten: MoneyDomination.com - What do you think.
[16:47] seth_7984: No I mean hardcore extreme gay sex domination?
[16:48] CamGirlKitten: You always bring Me the most retarded questions. From hereonout, questions are $5 each. Goodbye.
[16:48] seth_7984: If you watch and give orders on Skype for 30mins ill pay $200 via PayPal
[16:49] seth_7984: 11pm tonight Skype date
[16:50] seth_7984: If you say yes ill make arrangements for 2 black guys I know to be here for 11pm and you'll have total control
[16:50] CamGirlKitten: Shmucks and newbs like you can't be trusted with paypal. You're welcome to dig up some money and pre-book through clips4sale tribute, amazon gc, hipsandcurves gift egiftcard, or through a major videochat site like myfreecams, and unless you're prepared to book that now, I don't wait around for people to show.
[16:51] seth_7984: I can do an amazon gc
[16:51] seth_7984: You game?
Then spends 16:51-17:23 rambling about everything HE wants to plan that you should 'make' him do with large black gentlemen he wants to pay to come over, and interjecting payment related stalling questions over and over at regular intervals (does it matter if it's amazon.ca or .com?, [AgreedPrice] for the half hour?, Email again?, says it's processing!, etc).
A little simple googlefu produces evidence of him ripping off escorts, slathering his sick fantasies on others on a beastiality forum stories board, and to top it all off, a lovely photo of his bleeding filthy asshole. I've spared your eyes by not including it here. Save yourself some trouble, and dump this fuckwad right in the ignore bin before he even gets past hi.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Bobby rebelredneck524 Amazon Scammer Attempt

The Real Bobby, folks.
[03:22] rebelredneck524: hi
[03:22] rebelredneck524: got a ? about ur wishlist on mfc
[03:23] CamGirlKitten: kk
[03:24] rebelredneck524: if i bought u the camcorder and 4 other expensive things
[03:24] rebelredneck524: what would i get?
[03:24] rebelredneck524: id do the ipad and camcorder and camera and 2 other things
[03:25] CamGirlKitten: Typically for electronics that are used actively for filming, you get a lifetime membership to camgirlkitten.com so you have access to every video i've ever done, plus all the ones I do in the future.
[03:26] rebelredneck524: if i buy 4 things now will u do a hour show?
[03:26] CamGirlKitten: Sure, if you gift card the full balance of whatever you're going to buy. I've been doing this a dozen years and know all the tricks already. lol
[03:26] rebelredneck524: o i can't buy it?
[03:27] rebelredneck524: cause u should know anything over 100 bucks takes 4-6 hours to process
[03:27] CamGirlKitten: you can of course, but only if you want to wait for your show until they arrive.
[03:27] rebelredneck524: ill buy the gift card for 2,000 but if i do that id want the show after i buy it id even send u the recipt i get after
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: all orders are extremely easy to cancel, so there's literally a 0% chance of that. Sorry buddy.
[03:28] rebelredneck524: i do this cause i have hiv
[03:28] rebelredneck524: sorry just being honest
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: Anyone can put in fake credit card information and place a high ticket order then send a receipt.
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: I can do that now if you'd like and put the name as Santa Claus.
[03:28] rebelredneck524: im not like that
[03:28] CamGirlKitten: Doesn't matter. Don't know you.
[03:29] rebelredneck524: i can give u another models name on mfc u can ask her she got a 2,000 one last night
[03:29] CamGirlKitten: Anyway, if you decide you'd like to, you'll have to wait either way. No referrals, no word of mouth, no stupid promises. Just give it up buddy, you're barkin' upu the wrong tree. Go try it on a newb.
[03:30] CamGirlKitten: no cleared funds, no show, no exception. Don't feel bad, I don't even do IOU's or deals for customers i've had 10 years.
A few notes about Bobby after doing some research:
Real name: Robert
Location: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425(Well that explains the stupidity, ehh?)
Age: 27
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Height: 5ft8
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Body: Fat
Using a fake photo on a different website though, called cpixel.
AIM: RedneckRebel524
Yahoo: RebelRedneck524, redneckcowboy524 (not very creative, is he?)
MSN: rebelredneck524@hotmail.com
Skype: redneckcowboy524
Twitter: Bobby5241985
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Rick_aranda2000 aka josecuervo840
Sunday, November 25, 2012
New Rule: Latex Cock Sleeves Required!
No, a condom will not do. Yuck. I want your little worthless hunk of manmeat protected for my safety. I want nothing to do with it! No, I don't care if it's this specific brand, but this is a pretty good deal for under $20 shipped.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Just head over to My Clips4Sale page then hit the 'Tribute' button and select the amount.
Assume that you should cough up about $10 for every time you've cum thinking of Me or to My content.
Happy draining!